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Vegetables have chemicals/pesticides. Is it safe to juice them?

The presence chemicals and pesticides is not something that is in our hands. We cannot control it. However, there are a few things that you can do to reduce the incidence of chemicals 

  1. After you buy your fruits and vegetables, soak them in plain lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. 
  2. Make sure you buy only seasonal & local produce. Do not buy any fruits / vegetables that are out of season or imported. They tend to have even more chemicals 
  3. Keep looking for vendors selling organic fruits and vegetables in your area. Check online for websites which can deliver organic produce straight to your doorstep.

Please do not worry about chemicals and pesticides in your vegetables. The power of fasting is far greater than any problem the chemicals will create. Fasting is Nature's Supreme Medicine. It is the most powerful detoxifier.